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Fighting Off Osteoporosis In Seniors

calendarPublished September 23, 2016

There are only few symptoms of osteoporosis until a bone is broken, although curved posture and a decrease in height often accompany spinal osteoporosis. There are a number of factors that increase a person’s risk as a candidate for the disease:

  • Family history of osteoporosis
  • A thin body frame
  • Vices such as smoking and alcohol drinking
  • Intake of low calcium diet
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Menopause that happened before the age of 45
  • Lack of estrogen replacement therapy after menopause

Risk alone merits preventative steps, but if your beloved aging parents need some persuading, have them talk with their physicians. With a careful examination, a medical background check, and some professional advice, these should help them understand the significance of both prevention and treatment.


The best time to combat osteoporosis is long before it sets in, by getting recommended doses of vitamin D and calcium, taking hormone supplements, and exercising regularly. However, the battle isn’t over at age 70. It’s a myth to say seniors don’t have a chance to have strong and healthy bones. People can still strengthen their bones even late in life.

  • A regime of calcium supplements late in life decreases the rate of bone loss. Physicians are recommending women past their menopausal stage a calcium intake of 1,500mg per day. For men and younger women, you need a daily calcium dose of 1,000mg. To meet this requirement, one would have to drink about a quart of milk each day. So before your parents go on a milk binge, get them some calcium supplements with vitamin D (which the body needs so it can effectively absorb the calcium).

  • Taking hormonal replacement therapies within the five or six years following menopause helps prevent bone loss. Though it can prevent bone loss, lowers bone fracture rates, and decreases risk of a heart disease, there are still some risks to be mindful about. Using estrogen alone can potentially cause endometrial cancer. Because of this, your mother should consult her physician to get an advice and make a decision that is based on several key factors like family history, risks, and personal needs.

  • This is easier said than done, but nevertheless, your parents should give up smoking as it can weaken their bones.

  • There are drugs that can help fight osteoporosis. To know more about this, you should ask your parent’s physician.

  • Frail people, especially those anxious about falling, tend to stay sedentary, safely stabilized in his or her favorite chair on the living room. But that is the worst thing your parent can do. Like any of our body parts, our bones have functions that we need to use. All exercises strengthen both muscles and bones; our bones actually get thicker and stronger through these. An exercise also improves one’s coordination, reflexes, and balance, decreasing your parent’s risk of falling.

  • Just because you have osteoporosis doesn’t mean your risk for fall has increased. Even those without osteoporosis can stumble and break a bone. It’s not about your parent’s bone density anymore. It’s more on how you make their house “fall-safe”: ample lighting, marked stairs, durable handrails, nonskid shoes, non-slippery floors, and so much more.

    Cyril Senior Care provides exceptional in-home care to our loved ones and peace of mind to their families. With our personalized care plan, your beloved seniors’ well-being is well-protected. Please call (888) 42-CYRIL for more information.

calendar Posted in Treatment

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