How Our Bodies Change as We Age: Diet needs change as people age and it is even more necessary for seniors to have a well-balanced diet. There are many reasons our bodies change as we get older, and they all … Continue reading
The Shocking Truth On Heart Health for Seniors
Maintaining a healthy heart should be important for all seniors as it is the leading cause of death in the US. Find out how to prevent heart disease today What helps older adults develop a healthier heart and prevent deadly … Continue reading
Winter Safety: Top 5 Tips for Caregivers and their Seniors
(1) Home prep for power outages Sudden power outages can be scary and frustrating, especially if they last for more than a few minutes. Prepare your home in case there is a power outage, so you’ll be ready when it … Continue reading
What Does a Thyroid Problem Look Like in Senior Adults?
Thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can severely damage quality of life. Learn the symptoms, treatments & tips for senior adults. What is the thyroid gland and what does it do? The thyroid, a small endocrine gland located just below … Continue reading
3 Easy Tips For Seniors To Maintain Healthy Eyes & Improve Vision
January is National Glaucoma Awareness month! Did you know that more than 2.8 million Americans age 40 and older have glaucoma. Nearly half do not know they have the disease as it causes no early symptoms. Older adults are much … Continue reading